Vacancy Board | Post a Vacancy

Seeking to attract the best candidates to your board or committee? 

Open your board to diverse talent by sharing your non-executive opportunities with Women on Boards members and boosting qualified female interest. 

How to post: Choose from the Plans below or email us for bespoke candidate matching. If this is your first time posting you will be asked to set up a free WOB account. Your account allows you to post board roles on our Vacancy Board, and review those roles. 

Basic Plan

  • Easy online form
  • Approval within 24 hours
  • Able to modify position
  • Weekly email notification
  • High quality applicants

WOB Vacancy Standard Plan

  • Basic plan PLUS
  • Expert review of your posted position
  • Position pinned to the top of WOB Vacancy Board for up to 3 weeks
  • Position appears at the top of weekly vacancies email for up to 3 weeks

WOB Vacancy Listing - Standard Plan


WOB Vacancy Premium Plan

  • Standard plan PLUS
  • Editorial in one edition of our weekly newsletter (sent to 25,000 members)
  • Editorial on WOB website
  • Promotion on WOB LinkedIn page & group

WOB Vacancy Listing - Premium Plan
