WOB NED Circle - Perth

Experienced Director, Pauline Gately will host WOB NED Circle in Perth, commencing in July 2024. A six-month program designed to support WOB members who serve on boards to build connections, knowledge and understanding of boardroom dynamics.

Join Pauline once a month for six months from July to December to discuss issues arising from your board experience, exchange ideas and gain insights and a fresh perspective on contemporary topics. A great way to explore innovative ideas in corporate governance and leadership and build a support system to access during difficult situations you will face as a director. By learning from each other and accessing collective wisdom, insights and fellowship, participants can become more effective and valuable contributors to the companies they serve.

Perth Program Dates

Sessions will take place at WOB Corporate partner, BDO Australia's office in Perth between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm on the following dates.

  • Wednesday 3 July 2024
  • Wednesday 7 August 2024
  • Wednesday 4 September 2024
  • Wednesday 2 October 2024
  • Wednesday 6 November 2024
  • Wednesday 4 December 2024

All Sessions will be followed by informal drinks.

Program Details

  • Each group is open to 12 WOB Premium, Classic or Corporate members who have some experience serving on or reporting to / engaging with boards and one current or former board or advisory board role.*
  • All sessions are held face-to-face and there is no opportunity for participants to engage via video or telephone links.
  • Participants must be able to attend a minimum of five of the six sessions.
  • The Chatham House Rule is invoked in all sessions.

*As this program is designed to support existing Non Executive Directors, we recommend that if you are unsure about whether you meet the selection criteria, you request a call with Executive Director, Claire Braund, to discuss your suitability. Please email [email protected] to organise a time to talk to Claire.

Session Outlines

Session 1: Introduction & Managing Boardroom Behaviours
Participants introduce themselves and share any challenges they are experiencing in their board and committee roles. Presentation and facilitated discussion on managing behaviour in and out of the boardroom for better board effectiveness.

Session 2: Critical Relationships & Interactions
With guest speaker
Exploring critical relationships and interactions for board members, including; Chair & Directors, Chair & CEO, Executive and Employees & the Board, Regulators & the Board, Key Stakeholders & the Board.

Session 3: ESG - Fit for purpose or window dressing?
With guest speaker
ESG issues are relevant to all directors, regardless of the specific board they sit on. Environmental, Social and Governance sustainability is now mainstream and finding its way into every item on the board agenda. Discuss regulatory requirements, stakeholder expectations and capacity for your organisation to address ESG in a way that is not just window dressing.

Session 4: Strategy & Execution
Managing the gap between board expectations and what is delivered by the executive, performance measures, realistic objectives and expectations.

Session 5: Risk Management and Remuneration Governance
People are your largest cost and represent your greatest risk. This session looks at what is on your risk management agenda and what directors should be aware of and across in terms of employment and related contracts / awards and people governance.

Session 6: Concluding Session
With guest speaker

Program Presenter: Pauline Gately

Independent Non-Executive Director, Pioneer Credit Limited (ASX:PNC)
Non-Executive Director, Chair Audit & Risk Committee, Elixinol Wellness Limited (ASX:EXL)
Non-Executive Chair, Kalgoorlie Gold Mining Limited (ASX:KAL)
NFP Director, Investment Committee Member, Breast Cancer Care WA

Pauline is an experienced non-executive chair and director in mining and resources, financial technology, and FMCG. She has demonstrated success in business development from initial public offerings through mergers and acquisitions. Her board contributions are underpinned by experience spanning senior roles in international investment banking, research and funds management.  Before her career as a NED, Pauline spent 20 years in senior roles in investment banking across investment strategy, economic research and funds management, predominately across Asia, including with Citibank, BNP, Merrill Lynch and Deutsche Securities.  LinkedIn

Program Learnings

The learnings from the WOB NED Circle include:

  1. Peer Learning: Members exchanging insights, experiences, and challenges faced in their respective director roles, allowing them to learn from one another and gain fresh perspectives.
  2. Governance and Ethics: Discussing best practices in corporate governance and ethics to ensure they uphold the highest standards in their roles.
  3. Boardroom Dynamics: Sharing tips on how to navigate boardroom dynamics and effectively engage with other board members and the management team.
  4. Industry Trends: Staying updated on industry trends, emerging risks, and opportunities that might impact the companies they serve.
  5. Networking: Creating a supportive network where members can refer potential directorship opportunities or collaborate on projects.
  6. Continuous Professional Development: Encouraging members to attend relevant training programs, workshops, and conferences to enhance their skills as non-executive directors.
  7. Risk Management: Discussing risk management strategies and ways to ensure that the companies they serve are resilient in the face of challenges.
  8. Succession Planning: Sharing insights on board succession planning and the appointment of new directors.


***Please SIGN IN to register***

Program commences Wednesday 3 July 2024
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm AWST
BDO Australia, Level 9, Mia Yellagonga Rower 2, 5 Spring St, Perth
Premium $1485, Classic & Corporate $1650_Subscriber $2200
Register by Friday 28 June 2024
3/07/2024 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
W. Australia Standard Time
BDO Australia Level 9, Mia Yellagonga Tower 5 Spring Street Perth, WA 6000 AUSTRALIA
Registration is closed. For enquiries please email [email protected]